UK Rental Homes Unaffordable for Under 25s
As the UK increasingly homes a growing number of renters, research from a youth charity suggests renting remains unaffordable for working adults aged between 21-25.
As the UK increasingly homes a growing number of renters, research from a youth charity suggests renting remains unaffordable for working adults aged between 21-25.
The year 2020 will go down in history as the year of coronavirus, lockdowns and staying at home. However, recently published data shows that 2020 was also a record-breaking year for landlord and tenant activity.
A lack of suitable housing remains a big issue across the UK and the growing Build-to-Rent (BTR) sector is helping to increase the proportion of attractive and affordable rental homes.
As the country is once again living in lockdown, the government’s latest guidance to Letting Agents is to put the safety of their tenants first.
As the subject of the regulation of short property let activity on sites such as Airbnb remains a hot topic, Edinburgh will be one of the first UK cities to introduce rules for the sector. This will include identifying areas of the city where short lets will be permitted, to help manage the supply of longer-term residential lets and short holiday lets in the popular Scottish capital.
A recent survey snapshot suggests the number of rental homes across the UK rose to a record high in 2020 with letting agents managing over 200 properties on average. The survey also shows that even as many landlords and property investors chose to sell up, only around one third of tenants experienced rent rises.